Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Canine School

we had emma's first parent teacher meeting tonight, and it went well. emma's first term "report card" came home this past week. everything is done from 1-4. 4 being excellent.

on her listening/behaviour/effort, she got a 2.5. this isn't surprising to me mostly bc she acts up more when ken is gone, and it's also a problem we're having at home. however, the reason for the 2.5 was a little more interesting than just your average child not listening in school.

she keeps acting like a dog. panting. sniffing. and i assume some willy nilly barking thrown in for good measure. she does stay in character. the kids get excited and pet her. she actually had a boy recently kiss her on the forehead while she was doing the dog thing. lol

so, we had a talk about how she cannot be a dog at school. but if she feels as though she must be a dog with all her heart, she must start using the bathroom outside, sleeping on the floor, and eating and drinking from a bowl. oh, and she can't go to school anymore, bc dogs do not go to kindergarten.

i guess she is content with being a human, bc she wasn't too keen on that idea. lol

she also gets all the children worked up with hand chants at the table.

her teacher did say that she's a very bright kid, and she is incredibly helpful to all the other kids. she helps others tie their shoes. she also organizes items in the classroom. so, that was wonderful to hear.

and her teacher also mentioned that emma is quite the leader. we just need to work on how she uses that.

overall, she's doing really well in school. minus the dog bit.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That has to be the funniest thing I've heard in a long time! So now you have 3 dogs & 1 kid while Ken is gone! What an imagination that girl has. Kiss Spencer and pet Emma for me! :) LOL!