Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Fall Festival

so it's been a couple of weeks since i last updated.

mimi and poppy came out the 20th-24th, and we had a great time.

we went to the black island farms festival. it's our 4th time going, and i'm going to miss it next year. there are slides made from hay. well, with a large rubbery plastic slide coming off the hay. large pumpkin bounce house. small maze for the little kids...spencer's age. corn maze for everyone. an area to pet the farm animals...watch out, the small goats bite. lol rides. hayride.

you get the point. lol

last year, spencer was only about 10 months old, and it was in the 30s, so we did not stay long at all. this year, the temp was perfect, and emma and spencer had a blast.

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